Current Company Boards:

  • Pixelworks, Inc (PXLW) - Manufacturer of pixel processing
    graphics semiconductors for advanced TV, display and projector
    markets.  Director since 2005.

  • Fabrinet Co. LTD. - Precision manufacturers of complex optical,
    communications, imaging, automotive, and industrial devices and
    sub-assemblies located in Bangkok Thailand.  Director since

  • Gigle Semiconductor. - A developer of system on chip
    solutions for high speed flexible home netwoking.  Located in
    Barcelona Spain and Edinburgh Scotland.  Director since 2007.

  • Celio Technology Corp - Developer of smart mobile phone
    solutions.  Located in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Director since 2007.

  • Sybrant. - Software services company targeted at product
    development for early stage companies.  Located in Chenai
    India.  Director since 2007.

Current Advisory Boards:

  • VSpring Capital - Industry Advisory Board.  Member since